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I think I have dial tone in my DNA. US West, Mountain Bell, GTE, Southwestern Bell, Pac Bell, SBC and AT&T.
ECD/AD with Mike Dillon @ RT, directed by Phiippe Andre'
ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT, directed by Jeffery Plansker
ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT, directed by Jeffery Plansker
ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT, directed by Dennis Manarchy
ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT, directed by Dennis Manarchy
ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT, directed by Dennis Manarchy

ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT
ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT

ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT
ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT
ECD/AD with Tom Townsend @ RT, directed by Michael Bay
ECD with Mike Maurer @ FH
ECD with Ben Bohling, Nate Woodard @ FH

ECD with Ben Bohling, Ryan Bennett, Mike Maurer @ FH
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